Intuitive Software Solutions

Get to where you want to be.


We focus our efforts on solving issues related to business and technology while emphasizing the synergy between them.

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Technical Consulting- Need help on a special project? We can advise you on ways that you can complete a do-it-yourself (DIY) project.

 Industrial Coil Estimator-

Berrien Metal Products, Inc. - Michigan

Berrien Metal Products (BMP) fabricates metal parts and products for various industries. Among these parts are tubing coils. These coils could be made of different metal types, different heights and widths as well as tube thickness.
We worked with BMP to create an online tubing coil calculator that takes these complexities and boils it down to an easy online form. Once the information is entered by the prospective customer, the website returns back to the requestor the dollar estimate as well as emailing the information to the BMP quoting department. Picture of Tubing Coil Calculator Program

Additional Features

 Python Code Generator-

The Python Code Generator is designed to quickly build basic Python program shells. It is designed to get the coder going quickly while providing basic and consistent code.
The generator provides the developer with a series of options that are used to build their starting code. From a simple "window shell" to a Create, Retrieve, Update, Delete (CRUD) application, the Python Code Generator gives the programmer a quick jump start. Picture of Python Sub-Application

Additional Features